
久しぶりのヴァナ・ディールは、 ソロで遊べるFF11オフラインでした。

(翻訳) Windowerについて

既にご存知の方も多いかもしれませんが、筆者が所属する多国籍LS - Inquisition(Bahamut)はダイバージェンス: バストゥークとウィンダスのクリア動画を公開しています。






またWindower開発者Byrth, IryokuからGlitchに対するポリシーを伺っているので、それぞれの原文と日本語訳をお届けしますね。


  • Lexouritis : NY在住のギリシャ人。昼間は教師、夜はナイト。

To be honest I don't know anything about windower, since I use Macros from the game itself, Xiu don't use it either. But a lot of people do.

俺はゲーム内のマクロを使ってるから、正直言ってWindowerのことはよく知らない。Xiu(訳注: Lexの妻)もそうだ。でも大勢の人間が使っている。

I personally do not use windower or any add ons at all, and windower's policy, from what someone tells me, is they do not condone gil farming and botting.


If they watch his video, then the add ons that Ballzack uses are to make the text show better, and timers be seen on job ability timers, and the equipment that he is wearing. Whatever he is using, does not let him do things like a robot.


Today i was #2 in the damage parse, and I use nothing XD. So anyone can do it :)

俺は今日、与ダメージで2位を叩き出した。何も使ってないってことは、つまり誰でもできるってことだ! :)

These NMs are not that hard :) Tumult Curator was MUCH MUCH harder when he came out.

ダイバージェンス:Wave3のNMはそんなに難しくない :) 実装当初のTumult Curatorの方がもっともっと難しかった。


I personally am against any form of add on, but the community uses it, so I can't really control everyone.


What Ballzack is using, is nothing like botting or anything else though. It's mostly stuff to make an old game better from a Input/Output standpoint.


They need to kill all the circles, and the boss is weakened dramatically. They also need to have very good players.


I think gearswap is the other thing, that let's u equip your gearsets when u select the ability, weapon skill, etc from the menu. So instead of hitting macros like I do, and many traditional players do, they just use the ability, and the add on equips the gear for them.


In the end, these add ons don't change the person behind the character. If they are skilled already, it makes them a little better.


If they suck, like most NAs, they will still suck. No amount of 'extra' help can help them.


This is why many groups resort to using Astral Conduit, on 3 year old content, from all regions of the ffxi community.


(訳注: 彼はパッセPTが大嫌いで、曰く"No Teamwork! No Fun!"… I agree with you.)



  • WindowerチームがGlitchに対するポリシーを持っているなら、教えてください。

Byrth : We generally do not approve of automation, unless it's for trivial and menial tasks.


And we don't normally allow things that you couldn't theoretically do without Windower Like pos hacking, speed hacking Anything that. just displays information is fine.


Anything that modifies data without user input I would call automation.


Also, all of these things are my experience, not necessarily the opinions of others on the team.


Iryoku : I think you'd get similar responses out of any of the dev team.


(訳注: 実際に、魔法スキル上げを自動化するアドオンの配信リクエストが拒否されていた。)

  • SquareEnixとコンタクトしたことはありますか?

Byrth : I haven't and I don't think anyone else has. But I do not know for sure. I very much doubt it though... don't think they'd react well.


  • かつてのリード・デベロッパー、Cliff SpradlinはFFXIAH Teamの一員でもありました。WindowerとFFXIAHは現在どのような関係にありますか?

Iryoku : We're on very good terms with the people at ffxiah.com, when we decided to shut down our forums at windower.net, they were super accommodating and willing to work with us to make the Windower section on their forums our official support forum.


  • Windowerのユーザーはどの地域に多いのでしょうか?

Iryoku: United States 57%, Japan: 18%, Canada: 5%, Great Britain 4%, Others: 16%


  • 日本人にもっとWindowerを使ってもらいたいですか?

Byrth : We would certainly like if they wanted to use it, and we also plan to support the Japanese language better with Windower 5.


But we don't want to force anyone to use it, if people are uncomfortable with it, I don't think there's much we can do to change that, nor do we want to force that change


But if the Japanese community decided to use it more we would certainly be glad about it.

